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Long Island City

Mike makes stuff. Mostly involving words, notes, thoughts, and images. Also a podcast. Enjoy. 


A Meeting of Mind Meat

MBH15&16: Jim Gaffigan (Comedy & Religion)


Jim Gaffigan Pts. 1 & 2

Jim Gaffigan Pts. 1 & 2

Part 1: Comedy

Part 2: Religion

You know who Jim is. C'mon, you do. If you don't, you should. He's one of the most prolific and well-respected comedians alive.  I'm not going to list his resume, you know who he is. Stop playing. 

Check out my two part interview with Jim Gaffigan.

In this part 1 we discuss schools of Comedy in comparison to other art forms, clubs vs. alt rooms, the changing media landscape and the digital release of his new $5 album, “Mr. Universe,” now available at

In Part2 we discuss what it’s like to be religious in the world of Comedy and Hollywood in the age of context-free culture wars. It gets a little tense at times, but I think in the way that a good conversation should. Enjoy and reassure me that I’m not a jerk.

Episode Song

McDonalds, from Mr. Universe

Jim discussing his new book Dad is Fat, with a very special host. 

The Entirety of King Baby (which seems to be online legally?)