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Long Island City

Mike makes stuff. Mostly involving words, notes, thoughts, and images. Also a podcast. Enjoy. 


A Meeting of Mind Meat

MBH12: Marriage, Musicality & Ted Alexandro


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Hey folks, today on the podcast I’ve got Ted Alexandro, the Patron Saint of single people. We talk comedy, balance, marriage, religion and Occupy Wall St. Want to learn to be a better person? Listen to this episode. Want to be a way better person? Buy Ted's new DVD "I Did It," which Ted is releasing as a pay what you want, starting at 99-cents-and-up. Check it out:

Ted did it, and so should you.

Ted did it, and so should you.

And obviously, as a taste, check out Ted's latest appearance on Conan below. If you're not willing to pay 99 cents (or up) for an hour of that then I'm sorry but you're stupid. I still love you though. 

After that, watch episode one of Ted's new Webseries "Teacher's Lounge," featuring some pale guy. 


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